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Holly turned her smart mouth on him once again. “I am damn uncomfortable, Alexei. I have a plug up my ass and no one will fuck me.”
He smacked her ass again, making her moan. “Just know, dushka, that all of this is for pleasure. The minute it does not be pleasing to you, it will stop. I would not hurt moy angel.”
His angel. She was his angel.
“I’m fine, babe. I’ll be sure to let you know if I’m in pain. I’ll probably do it really loudly. I don’t know about looking pretty though. I feel awkward.” She twisted on the exam table.
“He’s right. You look lovely, sweetheart,” Caleb reassured her. “Now mind the doctor. Let me use your mouth. I need to fuck your mouth. I think my partner is going to take care of your pussy.”
Yes. He would take care of her pussy. Caleb began feeding her his length, the sight tightening Alexei’s cock. He’d never imagined how intimate it could be to share a woman. This was what he’d longed for all those lonely nights in strange hotel rooms. He’d longed for a family.
He got between her legs and made a place for himself. He tested her pussy. Wet. She was soaking wet. She’d enjoyed their play.
He’d enjoyed it, too. His cock was hard as a rock, jutting from his core and practically banging at his belly in an attempt to get what it wanted. He fisted himself, pumping a few times before opening the condom and covering himself. One day he would take her with nothing between them. He would convince her to make a baby with him. She was so caring. She loved her son and regretted not being with him each day. Another baby would be good for her. Good for him. He wanted a daughter with Holly’s red hair and green eyes. A baby girl he could pour his love into, or a boy he could teach as his father and brother had taught him. A child to share with Holly and Caleb.
He couldn’t wait any longer. He could see the plug he’d worked into her ass peeking out at him as he pulled her cheeks apart. He lined his dick up and thrust in.
She moaned around the cock in her mouth.
“Oh, that’s right. Suck me hard, sweetheart. You suck that cock.” Caleb pushed in and out of her mouth. He exchanged a dark look with Alexei. An intimate look. They were sharing a woman, and it connected them. They weren’t alone in loving Holly, in taking care of her. Caleb turned his eyes back down. He never let up thrusting his cock, but he seemed to be watching. Alexei knew what he was doing. He’d done the same thing the night before. Caleb was watching for any sign of distress. She was their woman. They would take her safety and pleasure seriously.
And it was his turn to make sure she was pleasured. He pulled on her hips as he forced his cock in. Her pussy was tight, and he could feel the hard drag of the plug in her ass. It lit up his cock, threatening to make him blow.
“She’s so tight,” he murmured in Russian, not caring they wouldn’t understand him. He was lost in the feel of her pussy wrapping around him. Her muscles clamped down on his dick like a vise tightening to the point of sweet, sweet pain. He pulled out a little, just to the head, and started it all over again. Her pussy sucked at him. Her hips bucked back up as though trying to take him deeper. He pumped into her, enjoying the penetration. He watched as she sucked Caleb’s cock, her pink tongue lashing at the head when he pulled out.
“I’m going to come.” Caleb’s breath sawed in and out of his chest. “I’m going to come down your throat, baby.”
He glanced up at Alexei, a desperate look in his eyes.
“I will make her come, too.” He reached around and felt for her clit. The bundle of nerves was swollen and needy. “Poor dushka. She is wanting.”
He drove his dick in as he pressed down on her clit, and she spasmed around him.
Caleb moaned. “That’s right. Take it. It’s all for you. Only for you.”
Holly’s pussy tightened, the muscles milking him. It was far too much. Between the sight of Holly sucking down his partner and the tight fit of her pussy, he lost it. He drove into her over and over, pleasure suffusing every inch of his body. He felt his balls draw up and had to hold on as the orgasm rushed over him.
So good. Sex had never felt like this before. His every sense was engaged. He loved the smell of their mixed arousals, the sight of Caleb stroking her hair as he came down, the feel of her skin beneath his hand, the sound of her practically purring.
She looked up, a silly grin on her face. Her eyes were glazed with satisfaction. “So, am I healthy, Doc?”
Caleb’s grin just about matched Holly’s. So different from the frozen man he usually presented to the world. This man was happy, open, capable of emotion. “I think you’ve passed this particular test. But you should know that I intend to keep a very close watch on your health.”
Alexei flipped her over. She struggled a bit with the cuffs but settled into his arms. “I think our pretty patient needs some rest.”
Caleb nodded. He didn’t even reach for his jeans. He simply stretched and yawned. “Take her upstairs. I have a bed. Not much else, but the mattress is good. Mine is actually bigger than her bed.”
“Join us.” Alexei turned toward the door.
Caleb looked like he could use a nap, but his face suddenly closed, and he shook his head. “No. I have to clean up in here. I might have an actual patient at some point in time. I need to think about hiring a real nurse.”
Alexei opened his mouth to speak. A job was a job.
Caleb shut him down. “Someone with credentials, buddy.”
“Is anyone going to get me out of these handcuffs?” Holly asked.
“Not for a while, dushka.” Alexei left Caleb standing in his exam room. He took the steps to Caleb’s apartment two at a time, carrying his precious burden the whole way.
He’d made headway with the good doctor. It was time to see if his living space would give up any of Caleb’s secrets because Alexei didn’t intend for Caleb to come and go as he pleased.
But first he had an angel to take care of. He laughed as he tossed her on Caleb’s big bed.
Chapter Thirteen
Caleb heard the racket as he disinfected the exam table, wiping it down and rerolling the paper.
Someone was yelling out on Main Street and whoever it was seemed damn serious about it. He hoped the noise didn’t disturb Holly. She’d had a long night and was probably ready for a nap after all that physical exertion. She didn’t need to listen to screaming. He was about to charge out and do some yelling of his own when the phone rang.
He needed a nurse, and maybe a receptionist. He hated answering the phone. He didn’t like cleaning up, either. He wouldn’t have any problem with telling his staff to reset the exam room after he’d fucked his wife on the table.
Caleb stopped. Holly wasn’t his wife. Holly wasn’t going to be his wife. Husbands slept with their wives. Husbands told their wives everything. He’d been a horrible husband, and he had no intention of wrecking Holly’s life. And Holly had a kid. He’d be a terrible father.
But Alexei would be a good one. Was he going to be able to watch Alexei get Holly pregnant and start a family? Would he be able to take care of her? There wasn’t another doctor for fifty miles. Even if he forced them to go to another doctor, there wouldn’t be an obstetrician. There weren’t enough people to support a specialist. They would have to go to Alamosa, almost two hours away. It was the precise reason he was the one taking care of the pregnant women in Bliss. He could send to them a specialist for specific appointments, but for the most part, their care fell to him.
He stopped and took a deep breath. He was borrowing trouble.
And he suddenly knew why he hadn’t hired a nurse. Deep down, he hadn’t expected to stay. He’d expected to move on because that was what he did. Even as a kid. He’d moved with his father and brothers between houses in Chicago and Washington and boarding schools, never making deep connections with anyone but Eli and Josh. He hadn’t even connected with Caroline.
He’d expected to get sick of Bliss and leave one day, but the place had wormed its way into his heart, warming him wher
e he’d thought he’d had nothing left but cold.
He had to get his shit together. He loved Holly. Hell, he was even beginning to be fond of the big Russian.
He couldn’t leave. Not when he’d found his home.
And his home was really loud.
The phone continued to ring as though the person on the other end of the line knew he didn’t like to pick it up and wouldn’t take no for an answer. What was he thinking? He had to answer the damn phone.
He picked up. “Bliss County Clinic.”
“Hey, Doc. I was wondering if you were there. This is Roger.”
“Long-Haired Roger or Roger?” They got pissed when you confused them, and without the visual confirmation of hair, he found it difficult to tell them apart.
“Oh, this is Roger from the shop. I was calling about your truck.”
Ah, Long-Haired Roger. The bald one. “Got it. What’s the word?”
“Well, it’s the strangest thing. The brake fluid leaked out.”
He’d figured that out already. “And how did that happen?”
“Well, it looks like someone cut the line. Or it was a real careful critter. You know, sometimes monkeys can use tools. I saw that on a nature documentary the other day. But we don’t have any monkeys around here. And I don’t care what Mel says. I won’t believe we have a Sasquatch until I see him. And Sasquatch is probably really big. Someone would have noticed him under your truck.”
Long-Haired Roger, who might also be called Rambling-On Roger, continued, but Caleb didn’t really hear him. Someone had cut his brake line. Someone had tried to kill him and nearly gotten Holly instead. What the hell was going on?
“Leave the truck. The sheriff needs to see it.” He was going to have to pull Nate Wright into this.
“I already called him. I thought it was real odd. I know Holly was in the truck. Now, Caleb, I know you’re touchy, but I thought you liked Holly. Everyone around here is taking bets on when you’ll finally ask her out.”
He closed his eyes in frustration as he heard a siren go off. “I didn’t try to kill Holly. Holly is my…my girlfriend. Look, just fix the truck when the sheriff releases it and send me the bill.”
He hung up and walked to the door. The siren had gone dead, but he could see the faintest hint of red and blue lights filtering through the blinds. He prayed Nate hadn’t jumped to the conclusion that the town doctor wanted to murder his café crush. It seemed incomprehensible, but nothing was impossible in this town.
He couldn’t make out who was yelling, but they were damn serious about it. He put down the antibacterial spray and went out to the waiting room. The ivy Nell had left looked sad and lonely. It was the only bit of color in the white and gray room. He’d bought a painting because Holly had talked him into it, but it had been taken into evidence after the Russian mob incident, and he hadn’t looked for another since.
He lifted one of the blinds, hoping Nate wasn’t storming the clinic. The sheriff of Bliss stood in the parking lot, his hands on a woman’s elbows, locking her arms into a pair of not-padded handcuffs. What the hell?
Caleb strode out of the clinic, not bothering to put on his boots. He was happy he’d felt weird cleaning in the altogether, or Nate Wright might have been getting to see more of him than he wanted to. As it was, he’d only put on his jeans. He was sure he looked like a disheveled crazy as he jogged across the thin lawn toward the parking lot.
“Nate, what the hell is going on?”
Nate looked up, a frown on his face. “You know this woman?”
He turned her around. She was a slender woman with brown, plainly cut hair and yes, she was familiar. He searched for the name Alexei had called her. Jessie. She’d been with a dark-haired man. If he had to guess, he would have bet they were a couple. “I met her a couple of hours ago. I think her name is Jessie.”
She’d also been in Trio the night before. He’d noticed her. Her eyes had almost constantly been on Alexei, though she’d held hands with the man she’d sat with.
“Yes, my name is Jessie Wilson, and I was with Alexei Markov.” The woman didn’t plead. She sounded pissed off. “It’s kind of my job. If you will check the badge in my back pocket, we can clear this up.”
Nate nodded and Cameron Briggs came up behind the suspect. He quickly pulled a wallet from the woman’s back pocket and opened it up.
“The badge claims she’s Jessica Wilson, and she’s a US marshal,” Cam said as though he didn’t quite believe it.
“Sheriff, the aliens know all the best forgers,” a familiar voice said.
Caleb turned and suddenly Mel was standing beside him. The older man wore coveralls, a thermal shirt, and sneakers. He was never without his trucker hat. It was lined with heavy-duty tinfoil to keep the death rays away.
“She’s an alien?” It was a decent bet. Mel assumed most outsiders were aliens.
“No idea. I don’t think so. She doesn’t have the look. And I didn’t see her wearing one of the amulets the Els wear. She could be an Anakim. You would know them better as Elders. You see, the Elders are actually about nine to eleven feet tall, but they wear these amulets that molecularly condense them down to regular size. I don’t see the amulet. And she’s neither reptilian nor one of the Grays. I think she’s a real, live human asshole.” He turned toward Caleb expectantly. “Although we should probably check her just in case. You could do an exam. Check for a prehensile tail.”
Sometimes being the only doctor in Bliss county was a hassle. “I am not checking anyone’s tail, Mel. She’s human.”
“Hey!” Jessie’s partner ran across the street, holding his hands up in the universal sign for “don’t shoot me.” “My name is Michael Novack. I’m a US marshal. That’s my partner, Jessica Wilson.”
“I tried to explain to this small-town asshole that I’m doing my job. I was waiting for you when I saw someone playing around with that piece-of-crap Ford over there.” She gestured back to the parking lot where Alexei had parked Holly’s car.
Caleb felt his stomach turn.
Michael managed to convince everyone to let him pull his badge out of his pocket. He flashed it around. “We’re Alexei Markov’s handlers. We followed him when he left Florida because there’s still some danger to him. Even though technically he left the program, Jessie and I wanted to stick close to him until the appeals court hands down its verdict on two of his cases. We’ve been following him around. Though we’re supposed to keep a low profile.”
Jessie practically snarled at him. “Do not blame this on me. Alexei drove that car around all day. Was I supposed to let some asswipe mess around with it? He was suspicious.”
Nate turned to Mel. “Did you see this man?”
Mel shrugged. “I only saw her, but that doesn’t mean I couldn’t have missed something. She was under the car.”
Jessie groaned, obviously frustrated. “Because the man had run off. I’m not sure if he was a bad guy or not. I couldn’t exactly chase down a tourist who was tying his shoe. I had to check. I think he did something. It looks like there was something attached to the bottom of the car.”
The door to the clinic opened, and Alexei stood there. Caleb didn’t miss the way his right hand snaked behind his back. There was little doubt that his partner was hiding the gun he carried. Alexei reholstered the weapon and strode out. Caleb saw the slats to the blinds open.
“Holly, it’s safe. You can come out,” Caleb yelled.
“I tell her to stay in bedroom. Our woman needs her hearing checked.” Alexei caught sight of the marshals, and his face fell. He turned to Nate. “I can explain.”
Nate waved him off with a roll of his blue eyes. “I can take a wild guess. You couldn’t keep your dick in your pants long enough for the US legal system to work its way through all the fuckers you put in jail. The marshals are trying to keep you alive.”
“Alexei?” Holly walked up to Alexei, her feet bare and her hair still tousled. “Is that true?”
Alexei turned to Holly, hi
s face grave. “That is truth, what sheriff say. Though I was going to grovel a bit more. I would not have come for you if I do not think is safe.”
“Well, we might have to rethink that,” Nate said as he uncuffed the female marshal. “I had a nice talk with Long-Haired Roger. Someone tampered with Caleb’s truck.”
Holly’s hand was suddenly in his. He heard her startled gasp. “Oh, god. Someone tried to kill me.”
“Or Caleb.” Deputy Briggs pulled out a tablet and started making notes. “It was Caleb’s truck. And now Holly’s car in front of Caleb’s clinic.”
“But I be driving car around.” Alexei’s accent had gotten thick again. Caleb was starting to get his tells. When Alexei got emotional, his accent was almost too thick to understand.
“You didn’t drive my truck,” Caleb pointed out.
“No. But I stand by it for almost an hour before I walk in yesterday morning. I watched Nell walk in. I was afraid to be talking to you. What if someone saw me and thought it was my truck? What if there is someone in town trying to get to me? What if they learn how much it would hurt me if they got to Holly or you instead?”
Caleb squeezed Holly’s hand, noting Alexei was holding her other hand. It felt right.
“Sheriff, she checks out.” Logan swaggered onto the scene. He seemed to have gotten control of himself, but there was a red rim to his eyes that bespoke of many nights’ lost sleep. “She is who she says she is, though her boss was surprised to find out she was in Colorado.”
Jessie took back her badge. She shoved it in her pants and glared at the sheriff. “We’re doing this under the radar. I think it’s too early to take him out of the program. Look, we spent a lot of time with the big guy. He was supposed to settle down in Boca Raton under the name Howard Solev. He had all his papers. He was supposed to be a recent immigrant working for a security company. We worked hard to set up a safe life for him. Imagine our surprise when he disappeared. I knew he had someone he cared about here. Arrest me for giving a crap.”